Vultr servers may not be deployed with the timezone/date/time that you need on your server. Luckily, we can manually set the timezone to prevent issues with your server.
Step 1: Check current timezone
First off, check the date and time your server is currently set to:
This will return one line, such as:
Tue Sep 1 17:31:29 UTC 2015
being the day, Sep
being the month, 1
being the day, 17:31:29
being the time, UTC
being the timezone, and 2015
being the year.
Step 2: Changing the timezone
In order to change the timezone, we’ll need to reconfigure the package tzdata
. We can do this by typing:
dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
This will open a menu. Select the timezone you want to use by using your arrow keys and pressing tab to select the “OK” button.
For example, say that we changed our timezone to “GMT-4”, you will see the following message confirming that you changed the timezone:
Current default time zone: 'Etc/GMT-4'
Local time is now: Tue Sep 1 21:35:42 GMT-4 2015.
Universal Time is now: Tue Sep 1 17:35:42 UTC 2015.
You can double-check by executing the date
command again:
Tue Sep 1 21:38:37 GMT-4 2015
Step 3: Installing ntpd
Ntpd is a daemon that synchronizes the time to remote NTP time servers so that the time on your server is always correct. Ntpd is installed on Ubuntu by default. To check the version you’re currently using, type:
ntpd --version
If NTP is not installed yet, install it with apt-get
apt-get install ntp
Step 4: Configuring ntpd
You will now need to add a remote NTP time server. Open the config file:
vi /etc/ntp.conf
You can add servers in this format:
Servers can be found on the NTP website.
Step 5: Opening the port 123
ntpd requires being able to communicate over the port 123. Open this port with iptables
iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m udp -p udp --dport 123 -j ACCEPT
Or, if you use ufw
ufw allow 123
Congratulations! You have now installed and configured ntpd
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